Soundwaves Team Gathers
What a day we had setting up for #soundwaves2015. Errigal College is a great spot with loads of facilities and Donegal Music Education Partnership are fantastic hosts. We spent the day rearranging the rooms, making music together, drinking tea and coffee (with the odd biscuit or two) and talking about how we could inspire the impressive array of young talent that is gathering to begin their soundwaves journey shortly.
Of course we were met by a friendly soaking as we brought in the gear but once we’d dried off and cleared some space in one room we got straight to the music. Many of the facilitators hadn’t played together before and a jam session was the perfect way to solve that. In the line up we’ve got a great bunch of musicians and producers involved from the worlds of classical, pop, indy and traditional music. Some great sounds emerged.
There was lots of technology to think about in the set up – so lots to play with including really interesting soundworlds inspired by sink plug noises! We’ll hopefull really be pushing the boundaries of how we create new music in the next few weeks.
It will be really fun mixing up all the styles and hearing everyones different creative voices. Digital technology has been such a feature of music making recently and it really is amazing what you can do with these new digital tools – even on a smartphone.
How the group looks and can work as a big ensemble took up a lot of positive thinking time as did how we can involve everyone in the essential other bits of getting musical projects off the ground – especially the marketing and PR. No sense in having great music without great marketing.
We collapsed in a heap after all of that – really looking forward to the project starting!